Thinking about getting a purple martin bird
house? Historically, martins used cavities
in trees to nest but over time they’ve adapted to man-made housing almost
exclusively so it’s up to us to ensure they have a safe place to nest. This article will briefly discuss the two
different types of martin houses available.
Martins are named quite obviously for their body
color. They’re the largest in the swallow
family and have the most incredible migration pattern flying all the way to
Brazil for the winter before returning to the US in early spring and late
Types of Martin Bird Houses
There are two primary styles of houses those being
“gourds” and the “conventional” (aluminum or wood) multi-level apartment
looking units. There is some debate as
to whether Purple
Martin Gourds are beneficial in attracting martins and to reproductive
success but in our experience the success is relatively the same if conditions
such as location, food and water supply and safety are the same. A particular advantage to hanging gourds is
that they swing freely in the wind, which seems to have no effect on the
martins but will certainly discourage those European starlings and house sparrows
from trying to take over. Many of our
martin gourds come with a rack and pole system while others can be hung below a
conventional house or simply on a secure line.
It’s best to have a system you can easily raise and lower in order to do
routine nest checks and other maintenance.
The other style of housing is conventional apartment
looking units with multiple levels and shared porch areas. Research has proven that white is the color
of choice and materials can be light-weight aluminum or wood. Wood is naturally heavier and thus better
insulated to help retain heat in cool conditions and stay cooler in hot
conditions. Aluminum is also quite good
at dissipating heat and most of our aluminum martin houses have reflective
roofs and excellent ventilation to keep the nest cool.
Please stop over to the store and contact directly for
your Purple
Martin Bird House.